On this occasion we are pleased to invite you to our tasting of wines from Bodegas Pinesque and artisan chocolates made in the city by Luva Chocolat .
The cost per person is $350
Quota limited to 15 people.
* Wines: Peach Chardonnay, Chihuahua Expressions, 5 Pinesque 2012
* Chocolates to pair: 6 different chocolates.
To save your place, you must pay the cost at the Luva Chocolat facilities.
Address: Cortez de Monroy No. 2513 Col. San Felipe (the street that is in front of the tortapathies)
Phone: 414-81-68
If you don't know how to get to Bodegas Pinesque, visit this link where you will find a detailed map:
The cost per person is $350
Quota limited to 15 people.
* Wines: Peach Chardonnay, Chihuahua Expressions, 5 Pinesque 2012
* Chocolates to pair: 6 different chocolates.
To save your place, you must pay the cost at the Luva Chocolat facilities.
Address: Cortez de Monroy No. 2513 Col. San Felipe (the street that is in front of the tortapathies)
Phone: 414-81-68
If you don't know how to get to Bodegas Pinesque, visit this link where you will find a detailed map: